
Chainsaw + Art = Awesome

Chainsaw art in Brienz.  Source: wikipedia.org

by Danila

What happens when you combine a rip-roaring fast chainsaw, giant logs, and the majestic art of sculpture? Pure awesome, in the form of chainsaw art. Like the ancient Greeks, who whittled great hunks of marble into perfect statues, chainsaw artists carve down hunks of wood into polished (well, not that polished) pieces of art. Instead of a hammer and chisel, the tool of choice is a chainsaw with a special “carving bar” that’s narrowed at the tip to prevent kickback.

Although this makes the process safer, the art form is still dangerous as hell. After all, the artist is using a tool that could easily slice into flesh at the slightest slip up. Take that, ancient Greeks!

Common themes include bears, more bears, eagles, other animals, Native American-ish totems, and mermaids. Oh and more bears.

So is the artform a subculture, a hobby, or both?
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