I’m a Trekkie

by Danila

I’ve been watching a lot of Star Trek since the latest movie came out. Especially from the original series with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.

What makes the franchise so appealing to so many people? And beyond that, what pushes passionate fans onto the next level of devoted fandom? From supporter into trekkie, or trekker.

Perhaps it’s the promise of a better world in the future, where racism, sexism and xenophobia are abolished. Or perhaps the show was the first widespread public medium to dabble with outlandish sci-fi ideas.

In any case, it has inspired a deep and lively subculture of human aliens and self-described Starfleet commanders. It’s the shared experience, the belonging, the common love of something grand. And while Trekkies are often poked fun of by the media and non-trekkie public, they really are a part of giant friendly world. And no one can deny that the Vulcan salute looks awesome.

Live long and prosper, and enjoy the following clips from Trekkies, a light documentary on some of the most devoted fans on the planet.

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| January 5th, 2010 | Posted in text, video |

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  1. Mr. Spock Says:


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